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I have always loved advertising and marketing. Commercials and magazine ads fascinated me at a young age. The photography, the words chosen, everything down to the logo and tag line. I think I was about 15 when I decided, “that’s what I want to do.”

Fast forward to my first advertising job as a designer in Atlanta, working on cool media kit projects for US Jets. Here is a sample:

I later would move to Florida and found myself enjoying a new gig as an art director for an advertising and marketing company in Tampa. One of the most memorable photoshoots was for a pearl company called White Isle Pearls. I concepted the logo as a white dove hovering in flight carrying a strand of pearls. I got hold of a dove breeder and organized the photoshoot. The challenge was to photograph the dove flying from one perch to another, over and over. We finally got the shot and I later photoshopped in the pearls.

I love that I have been able to market a wide variety of products and services over my career. Putting together concepts and strategies for larger companies like Mini Cooper,

or helping a local golf course out with an ad reminding golfers that if you don’t like the way you are playing – schedule time with a golf pro.

Lose the Duck Hook Eagles Golf Lessons Ad